The medical industry is said have been a lot progressive since last few years. As the medical services and technology are becoming advanced constantly, the citizens can expect a healthier future for themselves. Many career options are open for the students of the country if they wish to groom their career in medical field. Two of the typical career options for beginners can be certified nursing assistants (CNAs) and licensed practical nurses (LPNs).
The certified nursing aides are the responsible professionals handling the task of caring the patients under in hospitals and clinics, whereas, the licensed practical nurses perform the same job with additional tasks as well. So, the certified nursing aides have an option to switch over from CNA to LPN.
The existing certified nursing aides can become licensed practical nurses by learning some following additional skills:
- Taking care of prescribed medications for patients.
- Monitoring the glucose levels of diabetes patients.
- Collecting various samples for testing from patients and performing some of the routine lab tests.
- Having proper knowledge of giving injections.
- Collecting proper information and sending reports to registered nurses and other members of the team.
- Giving the certified nursing aides the knowledge of sterilizing surgical instruments.
- Assistance to the surgeons in operation theatre.
There are various colleges and schools in the US offer LPN programs, the duration of the courses may vary depending upon the requirements of different states. On an average, it takes almost two years to graduate in these programs. The certified nursing aides aspiring for LPN programs have to pass the NCLEX-PN exam before they can start practicing in care facility as a licensed practical nurse.
So, the existing certified nursing aides can enhance their skills by studying further and give their profession a specialty by becoming licensed practical nurse.