Nursing schools in Maryland

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If it is your ardent desire to enter health care field in United States, The Mid-Atlantic state of Maryland can offer you best opportunities to start a career in nursing field. The reason being MD holds few of the top Nursing Schools in America. The salaries offered to nurses in Maryland are also highest average yearly salaries, as compared to other nearby states, such as New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania.

Maryland locates America’s best and famous nursing schools – Johns Hopkins University and The University of Maryland, Baltimore, both ranking among top 10 nursing schools, and Hopkins niches No. 1 position among all nursing schools in US. Other than these institutes, there are also various good community and vocational colleges, trade schools, technical institutes and health care centers throughout Maryland, which can offer qualitative nursing programs to an aspiring student. Many schools offer joint degrees in over eight specialties, a PhD, and post-master’s certificates, along with entry level diplomas, degrees and certificates.

Popular Nursing programs offered by the MD Nursing schools include:

  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)
  • Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN)
  • Hospital Diploma
  • A master’s degree makes a student eligible for practicing in advanced specialty areas, such as Nurse practitioner, Nurse anesthetist, Nurse midwife, Clinical nurse specialist, RN first assistant in the operating room and others.

Doctoral Degrees include:

  • PhD in Nursing
  • Second Degree BSN
  • Direct Entry MSN
  • Doctor of Nursing Practice

Nursing Schools in Maryland offers various states, federal, corporate and individual Scholarship, grants and financial aids to deserving students. MD schools also provide State Nursing Scholarship and Living Expenses Grant, which has been consolidated into the Workforce Shortage Student Assistance Grant Program, offers financial assistance to these nursing studentsopting for higher studies in nursing field.

In Maryland few good Nursing Schools are concentrated in Baltimore, though other areas also locate many nursing schools:

Featured Nursing Schools in Baltimore (MD)

  • Baltimore City Community College
    2901 Liberty Heights Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21215-7807
    Ph: (410) 462-8000
  • College of Notre Dame of Maryland
    4701 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21210
    Ph: (410) 532-5500
  • Johns Hopkins University
    3400 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21210
    Ph: (410) 516-8767

  • The Community College of Baltimore County
    CCBC Catonsville Campus, 800 South Rolling Road, Baltimore, MD 21228
    Ph: 443-840-4099CCBC Dundalk Campus, 7200 Sollers Point Road, Baltimore, MD 21222
    Ph: 443-840-3700

    CCBC Essex Campus, 7201 Rossville Blvd., Baltimore, MD 21237
    Ph: 443-840-2999