Nursing schools in Texas

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In United States of America, any aspiring nursing student willing to enter nursing care field or nurses, planning to pursue advance nursing students can complete their training programs from many Nursing Schools in Texas. These schools offers a number of quality  nursing degrees from entry level to LPN/LVN, BSN, MSN and Masters programs. There are numerous nursing schools, campus based colleges, technical and vocational colleges and hospitals based trainings, which can assist you in completing your nursing education.

Few popular nursing colleges that offer doctoral, masters and specialty, administration, gerontology and acute care, Associate degrees, diplomas, certificates,  BSN and MSN degrees includes, Texas Woman’s University in Denton, The University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, University of Texas and the University of Texas Health Science Center.

If it is your wish to pursue degrees and diploma in LPN, LVN and RN, you can very well attend Baptist Health System schools for these certificates and degrees. Similarly, if you are already working and can not spare enough time to attend campus based regular classes; you opt for online nursing classes. These distance learning programs offer you flexible timings and can be attended at your free time, sitting at home.

There are also numerous Institutes such as Kaplan University, University of Phoenix, Walden University, Capella University, Grand Canyon University, American InterContinental , Westwood College, Virginia College and others that offers numerous distance learning programs. You can also attend distance learning and campus based learning from in and around towns and cities of Texas, including Amarillo, Abilene, Kilgore, Corpus Christ and so on.

But it is also necessary to remember that while enrolling in any Nursing Schools in Texas, whether it is for campus based program or online classes, you must see that the programs offered by these schools are accredited from National League for Nursing Accreditation Commission or Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education and Texas State Board of Nursing. If you attend any non accredited programs, you will be wasting your money because they are not approved and recognized by state and federal authorities.

Commonly following Degree Programs are offered by Texas Nursing Schools:

  • LVN
  • LVN Bridge
  • PM to RN Track
  • LVN to ADN Track
  • LVN to RN Track EC
  • MSN/RN
  • RN to BSN
  • Vocational Nursing
  • Patient Care Technician
  • Masters and Doctoral