How to Handle Patient Complaints Being a CNA

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Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) do not work in an ideal environment where your colleagues are always helpful and your patients never complain. In reality, CNAs are often required to deal with workplace politics and complaining patients. The responsibility of a CNA is to provide healthcare to their patients; therefore, CNAs should know how to provide quality care to their patients and handle their complaints.

How to Handle Patient Complaints Being a CNA

In order to effectively resolve problems and satisfy patients, a CNA must know the common complaints made by patients and understand the reasons behind them.

Complaint 1: CNA does not answer my question.

This is probably the most frequent complaint made by patients. If a CNA does not answer any question, the patient or their family may think that there is something serious to hide or they may feel unheard. Body language is an important consideration in such situations. Avoid non-verbal cues that show disinterest such as looking at the watch or looking out of the window.

Complaint 2: CNA does not spend time with me.

This complaint is often made by elderly, sick patients who feel anxious and require constant reassurance. CNAs are often very busy and handling many patients at a time; therefore, they may be unable to spend too much time with a patient. In such a situation, the CNA should try spending quality time with the patient providing them the support and reassurance they need.

Complaint 3: CNA interrupts me too often.

CNAs are often required to assist nurses in monitoring blood glucose levels or administering medicines to the patients while they are sleeping. In such situations, the patient may perceive being interrupted as an unnecessary disturbance in their sleep. The CNA should look for the help of patient’s attendant and explain them the need for awakening the patient.