The CNA Code of Ethics

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The CNA code of ethics is a guideline for the proper and ethical care of the patients. Every nursing authority prescribes some standards, rules and regulations that are obligatory to follow by all nurse aides, while performing their job.

The CNA Code of Ethics

The code of ethics for nursing assistants is described below:

  • Technically Prepared

The learning of a CNA does not get over after completing the certification.  These professionals should have enthusiasm to improve and enhance their technical skills. They must pay attention to whatever they are being taught during in-service training.

  • Personal Appearance

Nursing assistant’s personal appearance is the manner, they are observed by their co-workers, employers and patients, each day. As a certified nurse aide, you should ensure that your grooming and hygiene are at a high level. Always don neat, clean and fitting clothes. Your conduct and facial gestures should be comforting and friendly to the clients and other colleagues.

  • Patient Care

It’s the duty of a CNA to work toward easing the pain and improving the health of the patient. You should provide equal care to all the patients, irrespective of their religion, race, gender, age or medical condition. Along with medical needs, a nursing professional is also responsible to address the emotional, physical, spiritual and social requirements of the patients.

  • Personal Accountability

As a nursing aide, you should acknowledge your responsibility for your behaviour and actions. You should not work under the sway of drugs or alcohol; must not be involved in falsifying or altering the records; and should not exhibit unprofessional behaviour. You are accountable for following actions:

  • Arriving on time.
  • Displaying honesty and trustworthiness.
  • Working well with a team and respecting colleagues.
  • Following work-related guidelines.
  • Patient Confidentiality

A nursing assistant is ought to follow the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). According to this act, these professionals are not allowed to disclose or discuss the personal and healthcare information with anyone, except the caregivers and supervisors engaged in the patient’s care. If the client’s data is maintained on computer, all the passwords, user names and access codes should be kept secured and protected. In case of breach of security, immediately inform to the supervisor.

  • High Level of Performance

The nurse assistants should always try to render the services to the best of their ability. Patient’s safety and welfare must be the first concern for these professionals. Inform your immediate supervisor, in case, the patient care doesn’t meet the desired standard of excellence.

  • Other Code of Ethics
  • Be loyal to your co-workers, patients and employer.
  • To keep yourself in good health, practice healthy habits. Take sufficient sleep, include nutritious diet and go periodic health check-ups.
  • Never discuss your personal affairs and problems with the client.
  • Never give or perform a treatment or procedure for which you are not competent to perform.
  • Be flexible and keen to accept the changes in assignments and tasks, which is necessary to improve the condition of the patient.

It’s imperative for the certified nursing assistants to follow the code of ethics in an appropriate manner to make sure that the patients obtain the best care.