Arkansas Board of Nursing

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Board of Nursing Arkansas was established by the Arkansas Legislature in 1913. The main aim for its establishment was to safeguard the life and health of Arkansas public and citizen. ASBN tries to fulfill its mission by effectively regulating the practice and licenses as per law and Nurse Practice Act, set standards for safe nursing care, oversee and approve nursing schools, regulating licenses to practice nursing and incorporate guidelines for nurses to follow, as per Nurse Practice Act, Rules and nursing education.


There are 13 Arkansas residents in the Board of Nursing Arkansas and Governor appoints them for four year terms, subject to confirmation by the Senate. These residents constitute 2 diploma school graduates, 7 registered nurses, 2 baccalaureate or post-baccalaureate graduates, 2 associate degree graduates and one advanced practice nurse possessing prescriptive authority. All members hold actively practicing Arkansas licenses. One person comes from consumers and another represents the elderly population.

The basic function of the ASBN is as under:

  • Issuing Licenses for RN, LPN, LPTN, RNP, APN, ANP, CNM, CRNA and CNS.
  • Issue of Certificates and Certificates of prescriptive authority for APNs and Diabetes Self-Management Educators.

Acting on Complaints of practice or behavior

  • Investigation
  • Take disciplinary action
  • Issue warning letter
  • Impose a civil penalty if necessary.

Approving of Nursing Education Programs

Approve Diabetes self-management courses, for Diabetes Self-Management Educator certification.

Online services are also available for:

  • License Renewal
  • Duplicate License Orders
  • Pay Civil Penalty Payment
  • License Verification
  • Roster Download
  • Registry Search
  • Exam Results
  • Change of Address
  • Important information

Detail information on Fields Nursing Scholarship Loan is also provided by the board.

The contact detail of ASBN is as follows:

Arkansas State Board of Nursing
University Tower Bldg.
1123 South University
Suite 800
Little Rock, AR 72204-1619
Phone: 501-686-2700
Fax: 501-686-2714