Nevada Board of Nursing

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The Nevada State Board of Nursing is the state government nursing regulatory agency established by law to protect Public Health by regulating the practice of Nurses in the state of Nevada. The board member represents both members from nursing profession and public and appointed by the Governor. The board constitute of 7 members, which include four registered nurses (RNs), one licensed practical nurse (LPN), one certified nursing assistant (CAN), and one consumer member.

The mission of the MSBON is to protect the public’s health, safety and welfare through effective nursing regulation and, the board continuously strives for better and safe health of its public by approving the competent and qualified individuals to practice and by implanting effective regulations for competent practice. It is the responsibility of the board and its advisory committee to set and adopts legal standards in Nevada for working nursing professional’s nursing practice and nursing education, through licensure, certification, disciplinary actions, education and practicing of RN, LPN, APN, CNA, CRNA, EMS-RN.

The Board appoints members to standing advisory committees and they advised the Board. These committee members comprises of nursing professionals, chose on the basis of their expertise, geographic location and committee need. Any relevant questions and suggestions relating to nursing regulations and practice are brought in front of committees for research, discussion and policy development. The Board reviews the recommendations of its advisory committees at the time of regular meetings. In fact, most of the law, regulation and advisory opinion issued by the Board are decided on a recommendation by one of its advisory committees. The function of one Board member is to serve as a liaison to each advisory committee and Board staff members serve as advisory committee chairs.

Different Advisory Committees of MSBON are as follows:

  1. Advanced Practice Advisory Committee
  2. CNA Advisory Committee
  3. Disability Advisory Committee
  4. Education Advisory Committee
  5. Nursing Practice Advisory Committee.

Different types of functions, services and duties of the Board includes on the following fields for RN, LPN, APN, CNA, CRNA, EMS-RN and consumer:

  • Licensure and Certification
  • Verify Licenses and Certificates
  • License Renewal
  • Endorsement
  • Applications
  • Forms
  • Criminal Background Check
  • Finger Prints
  • Contact Information
  • Advanced Practice
  • Education
  • Training programs
  • License Transfer
  • Practice and Discipline
  • CE
  • Additional Services and Information
  • RN/LPN Licensure
  • CNA Certification
  • Education
  • Continuing Education
  • Practice Questions
  • Fingerprint Capture

Contact details of MSBON

2500 W. Sahara Ave., Suite 207
Las Vegas, NV 89102-4392
(702) 486-5800
(888) 590-6726 (toll free)
Fax (702) 486-5803