South Carolina Board of Nursing

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The basic purpose of the Board of Nursing South Carolina is to assure the public of SC, a safe and effective practice of nursing in this state. In order to meet these goals, the Board only licenses qualified individuals as registered nurses or licensed practical nurses. Any complaints to the knowledge of Board are fully investigated and proper disciplinary actions are taken whenever necessary, against the practice violation by Licensee.

The South Carolina Legislative Council incorporated Nurse Practice Act and mandated the establishment of Board of Nursing South Carolina, which must comprise 10 members from different nursing profession, geographical locations, Congressional districts and from the state.

Out of 10 appointed Board members, 2 must be State Lay members, 6 represent registered nurses, representing one congressional district, and one hospital employed and, at least one must be APRN. 2 members must be LPNs, one each representing Region I (Congressional Districts 1, 2, and 3), and Region II (Congressional Districts 4, 5, and 6). It is necessary that appointed nurse members must represent various diverse nursing fields, without limiting to any specific health care field.

It must also be noted that appointed RN and LPN board members must have earned their practicing license in South Carolina, must be nursing employed professional nurses and must have minimum three years of practice in their respective professions, immediately proceeding to their appointment to the board and must be residing in the representing district.

Lay members must represent the public as a consumer of nurse services and shall not be employed or licensed as a health care provider. The chairman or designee of the State Board of Medical Examiners shall be advisory non voting member, who must provide consultation to the NC Board of Nursing for the matters requested by them.

The serving duration of the Board members must be four years and they continue serving till their successors are appointed and qualify. The Governor appoints the Board members with the advice and consent of the Senate. The lying vacancies are filled by the Governor by appointing for the unexpired portion of a term.

The Board officers comprise of a chairman, a vice chairman, and a secretary. The registered nurse members must be elected as a chairman of the board and other Board officers can be elected from other appointed Board members. The Officers will have the serving period of one year, until their successors are elected for the vacant position. Board need to transact its business by Board Meets of the members at least quarterly.

The board is duly authorized and its duties and responsibilities include:

  • See that the authorized practicing employee comply with acceptable standards of nursing practice norms.
  • Develop continued competency of licensees’ minimum standards for practicing.
  • Conduct educational enrollments and licensure surveys, and inform the public.
  • Investigate and conduct hearing for alleged Nursing Practice Act violations.
  • Set minimum nursing education program standard.
  • Approve these programs that meet the standard mandated by the board.
  • Disapprove or prohibit students for enrolling in the programs that do not meet the required standards.
  • Formulate minimum evaluation standard for safe and effective nursing practice.
  • See that only qualified applicants are authorized to practice and they are evaluated through exam, license and renewal.
  • Partner with agencies and organizations to develop and regulate the national nursing licensure examinations and provide improvement to the nursing practice for the public protection.
  • Collect all required information about disciplinary actions for furnishing the information to national databanks of disciplinary information.
  • Assist and guide the employers of nurses to handle and take corrective action for the errors in the nursing practice employments.
  • Establish a fee schedule.

The other services, information and functions offered by the board include:

  • Board,
  • Applications/Forms
  • Board Information
  • Disciplinary Actions
  • How to File a Complaint
  • Education
  • FAQ
  • Laws/Policies
  • Licensure
  • Publications/News
  • Staff Related Links
  • Online Services
  • Renew Your License Online
  • Licensee Lookup
  • Customer Satisfaction Survey

The Contact information of the SC Board of Nursing

Board of Nursing South Carolina
Synergy Business Park; Kingstree Building
110 Centerview Dr., Suite 202
Columbia, S.C. 29210
Telephone: (803) 896-4550
Fax: (803) 896-4525

Mailing Address:
PO Box 12367
Columbia, S.C. 29211-2367