Mississippi Board of Nursing

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Board of Nursing Mississippi comprises of 13 Board members that represent nursing field and public. Out of 13 members, seven are registered nurses, 4 are licensed practical nurse, one consumer of health services, and one physician. All members, except physician board member and consumer, are appointed by the Governor on the recommendations provided by Mississippi registered nurse and practical nurse organizations and/or associations. The State Board of Medical Licensure appoints the physician and Governor appoints the consumer representative.

The mission of the Board of Nursing Mississippi is to protect public health and welfare by regulating and enforcing state laws and regulations.

The main motto of the board is a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson, “the future belongs to those who prepare for it,” In the similar way, the board is also prepares and plans for the future with new innovative projects, new fruitful programs and additional staff.

The board’s first certified hemodialysis technicians (CHTs), appeared for the certification examination and received certification from the MS Board of Nursing in February 2009. Online renewal services are also offered to RNs and APRNS. The board also conducts hearings and takes necessary disciplinary action on nurses, monitor nurses in the recovering nurse program, perform investigations. As all disciplinary matters that come before the board do not deserve punitive actions, thus applications are accepted from nurses for their licensure restoration. Separate restoration hearing is conducted for them and after following certain processes and meeting the approval of the Board, the matter is presented before the Board panel.

If a nurse surrender his/her license voluntarily or if the license is revoked due to Board’s hearing, a nurse can apply for the restoration of her revoked license after one year of hearing or when a consent agreement has been ratified by the full Board.

Other duties, responsibility and  services of the Board includes, information on MS Board of Nursing, fees schedule, Licensure, Applications, License Verification, Graduate exams, Practice, MS Approved schools, Laws, Rules & Regulations, RN, LPN, APRN, Emergency Volunteers, Recovering Nurse Program (RNP), Unannounced Drug Screens and Information about Drugs, Forms and additional duties.

The contact details of the Board

Mississippi Board of Nursing
1080 River Oaks Drive, Suite A100
Flowood, MS 39232
Phone: (601) 664-9303
Fax: (601) 664-9304