Board of Registered Nursing

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The California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) commonly known as Board of Registered Nursing is a state government’s regulating agency created by the law to safeguard and protect the public by regulating RNs practice. The board also has the responsibility to see that the practice of RNs and certified APRNs are oriented toward safe Public Health. The Board ensures that the health and safety of citizens of California and consumers are well protected and accordingly the board promotes minimum standard for quality registered nursing care in the state California.

BRN has been empowered and is responsible for implementing the state Nursing Practice Act: the laws that are related to nursing education, licensure, practice, complains and disciplinary measures.

As per the legislation and Nursing Practice Act Board of Registered Nursing comprises of nine board members, who also serves as boards decision-making body. The representation to the Board comprises from nursing professions and public. The composition of the Board is four public members and five registered nurses. Appointed five registered nurses consist as, two direct-patient care nurses, an ARPN, a nurse administrator, and a nurse educator.

The governor appoints seven board members and 2 public members are appointed by the Legislature. Each board member’s serving duration is 4 years term and can seek re-appointment, but they are not allowed to continue more than 2 two consecutive terms.

The basic services offered by the BRN to licensee, RN students and public cab are summed of as follows:

  • Setting minimum standard for RN Education.
  • Grant Approval to California Nursing Programs, which currently provide nearly 100 programs.
  • Licensure Applications Evaluation
  • Necessity of meeting the educational requirements
  • Necessity of Passing of  national licensing examination for licensure
  • Cleared a criminal background check
  • Licenses Issue and Renewal
  • Certificates Issuing
  • Conduct hearing and taking Disciplinary Action against licensee for the practice, law and nurse practice act provisions violations.
  • Diversion Program Management for rehabilitation of nurses.
  • 24-Hour Toll-Free Licensing Verification and an Online License Verification System

The board regulates following Registered Nurses (RN) practice in different health care settings:

  • Certified Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA)
  • Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM)
  • Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS)
  • Critical Care Nurse (CCRN)
  • Nurse Practitioner (NP)
  • Public Health Nurse (PHN)

Contact information of Board of Registered Nursing

Board of Registered Nursing
1625 North Market Boulevard, Suite N217
Sacramento, CA 95834-1924

Mailing Address
Board of Registered Nursing
P.O. Box 944210
Sacramento, CA 94244-2100