Crouse School of Nursing

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Crouse School of Nursing is located in the heart of Central New York. The history of the school starts with the establishment of Crouse Hospital, which was established in 1968 through the merger of Crouse Irving Hospital and Syracuse Memorial Hospital. Prior to the merger, both hospitals had their own separate schools of nursing.

In 1991, the Marley Education Center, where the school of nursing is located was opened and in 1997 the school was renamed as Crouse Hospital School of Nursing, which also reflects the change of name of the hospital. Over the years, over 5000 nurses have been graduated from the school and pursuing their successful professional career.

Since the establishment of the school, it is striving hard to provide most advanced nursing education with its tradition of excellence.

Crouse School of Nursing’s mission is to prepare graduates, who are clinically competent in their profession in hospitals and practice among the community.

The vision of the school is to establish a college of nursing in future, accreditation by Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools and the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission, Inc. (NLNAC) Center of Excellence

The school of nursing offers a comprehensive two-year associate’s degree program, which provides one of the best clinical hands-on training experiences that is available in Central New York.

There are certain prerequisites for the admission in the school and they include

  • Submit Completed application form with requirements and application fee
  • Minimum qualification:
    • High School Diploma , scoring 80% & above
    • GED
    • External Diploma

Successfully completed the following courses

  • Algebra
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Needed Scoring for the courses:

High School Courses: minimum course grade of 75%

College Courses: minimum course grade of “C”

Standardized Tests

High school applicants are required to submit either SAT or ACT standardized test scores:

Curriculum Plans

  • Two-Year Program
  • Evening Program
  • Pre-Planned Extended Program


The Crouse Hospital School of Nursing is accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission, Inc.,

Registered with

The New York State Department of Education, Office of Higher Education and Professions, Cultural education Center


Crouse School
736 Irving Ave
Syracuse, New York 13210-1687
General Info: (315) 470-7481
Financial Aid Office: (315) 470-7749
Addmissions Office: (315) 470-7858