Helene Fuld School of Nursing is an independent school of nursing, located in Camden County (HFSN). The school offers enrollment to nearly 375 students. The school has collaborative partnership with Camden County College (CCC) and offers a Diploma in nursing and an Associate Degree in Science to graduating students. The school covers 320 wooded acres, consisting of the Blackwood campus of CCC in Blackwood, NJ.
The formation of the school goes back to 1880’s and it follows the link and tradition of the two nursing schools, the Cooper Hospital School of Nursing and the Helene Fuld School of Nursing, which were established in the 1880′s in Camden. In 1980 both schools merged and started knowing as the Helene Fuld School of Nursing in Camden County. The newly formed school and its programs are governed by an 18 Member Board of Trustees. The NJ Department of Higher Education also approved the merger and cooperative agreement with CCC.
As agreed under the cooperative agreement, the liberal arts and science courses of the curriculum are offered by CCC, including the associate in science degree, whereas the nursing courses and the diplomas are provided by HFSN. Virtua and the Cooper University Hospital are 2 of the major teaching affiliates and both have been awarded due accreditation.
It was during, 1993, the school moved to a new modern building in Blackwood in Camedon, which includes the state-of-the-art technologies, such as interactive nursing software programs, a computer lab and a modern nursing skills lab for better facilities for students. The library of the school is situated at Wolverton Learning Resource Center, Camden County College’s.
Helene Fuld School of Nursing has been accredited and approved by both Nursing Accrediting Commission and New Jersey Board of Nursing.
The basic courses offered by the HFSN include
- Management of Human Responses for Selected Health Concerns
- Introduction to Nursing Informatics
- Management of Human Responses for Multiple Health Concerns
- Management of Human Responses for Multiple and/or Complex Health Concerns
- Issues & Trends in Professional Nursing
The successful completion of specific general education courses makes a student eligible for the enrollment in the Helene Fuld School of Nursing (HFSN) programs. The programs can be completed in academic years, comprising of four 15-week semesters. The theory segments of the program are instructed in the classroom and clinical hand-on training is provided at Virtua and Cooper University Hospital, and also in a variety of health care facilities in the region.
The graduating students are offered HFSN diploma in nursing and an Associate in Science degree is offered by the Camden County College. The program also offers an opportunity for the students to sit in the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN).