Nurse Anesthetist Salary

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If you are planning a career as a Nurse Anesthetist for better earning, you must remember that the job of Nurse Anesthetist bears heavy responsibility and you need to perform various duties assisting surgeon, anesthesiologist or dentist. Your job function includes, preparing medical room for anesthetic procedures, interpreting pre-surgical tests for anesthetic administering, keep enough blood supply for emergencies, monitoring vital signs of patients before anesthesia and other responsibilities.

If salary is your job option then, you can be assured that a Nurse Anesthetist Salary is better that other specialty nurses. Your average earning can be $157,724 annually & more. The future job and salary growth is also marginally higher as, the US Department of Labor has forecasted that the requirements of RNs and nursing specialists such as nurse anesthetists will see a growth of 21%-35% through the end of the decade.

In America, currently Nurse Anesthetists are best paid specialty nurses.

But there are also various factors that play a role in deciding the salary of Nurse Anesthetist and they include:

  1. Few years working experience can fetch you higher salary package.
  2. Working in important position, such as in operating room can earn you better than working in other positions or offices.
  3. If you are employed in metropolitan areas, the salary rate is better due to higher standard of living in these cities, as compared to working in other urban or rural centers.
  4. Added education and qualification in human resource management and administration field can offer you supervisory roles paying you higher salary.
  5. The types of the facilities also pays differently, as paying standard of management type role, small private practices, hospitals, dental offices, doctor’s offices, clinics and others also varies as per the entity.

Therefore, you need to take all these aspects in consideration before opting for any Nurse Anesthetists job, though you can easily expect a earning of $155,000 to$175,000 annually. Still, working for few years can definitely offer you experience and promotions for higher earning.